Sunday, January 24, 2010

Secret Village?

Ever since Sam and I got to Lingling, we have been trying to find this Confucian temple. We found it on a map, but we have yet to find a way to get there. Last Monday we took out our bikes. We were determined to find it. We found a dirt road that looked like the direction of the temple. We discovered a farming/village community! We have lived here for three months now and we didn’t even know this place existed! It was crazy. We followed a few Chinese boys that were lighting off fireworks. I was freaked out that they were going to burn down all the farms. These boys were so cute. I seriously want to take them back to America. They spoke standard Chinese so Sam and I were able to talk with them. We were stoked that we could have a conversation. Granted they’re little kids and we still didn’t catch everything they said, but it was still pretty cool. One little boy, loved my camera and took pictures of everything. He was so fascinated by it. He asked us to come back and play with him and we promised we would. I can’t wait to play with him again. He was adorable.

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