My expertise with bloody noses came in handy when one of my students had the nastiest bloody nose. My teaching had to leave the room when the blood started spurting all over the table. Luckily with some decent Kleenex, ice, and tender loving care, the bloody nose stopped after an hour.
The principle asked, "What do you all want for Christmas?" My student's response: "I want Miss Hunter to be our teacher for 4th AND 5th grade. I'm going to ask Santa to let her stay here forever." (I'm hoping he can pull some strings so I can get a job. :))
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.
My students and I were at library and they were having a lesson on researching topics. My kids were having a rough day and definitely weren't acting their best. The librarian had to keep asking a certain group of students to calm down and be quiet. Well after a few times of this, I was getting a little annoyed myself. I told them that if they weren't respectful during library that we would have to practice what that meant during recess. Well they kept it up and I told them that I didn't appreciate their behavior to our librarian and that we would be having a talk during recess about what it means to be respectful. They were pretty bummed about that. Recess came and I set them down and we had a little heart to heart. I explained what respect meant. I then had all of the students that the librarian had to keep reminding stay in for recess and practice proper behavior in the library. They were not happy with me. One student said, "Miss Hunter! It's not fair though! I wasn't talking I was just with the other boys that were talking, but I was still quiet." Well this brought another teaching moment as I explained that sometimes even when we are around the wrong crowd we get in trouble. I related it to stealing. I said that even if he wasn't stealing, but he was with his friends when they got caught that he would get in trouble to. This really hit him hard. I thought he was going to cry as he sat in his desk. After him and his friends showed me how to be respectful for about 5 mins (which I'm sure seemed like hours) I thanked them and let them go out for the rest of recess. I looked over at my little friend and noticed he was the only one that didn't go out. I explained that he could go out because he had shown me how to behave. He nodded and said, "I know Miss Hunter, but I need to stay in. I need to pay the consequence." Wow. What a stud! I was so touched him and his understanding of consequences. I think I learned just as much from this situation as he and his friends did.
"Miss Hunter, I think you should stay and live at my house. That way you don't have to move and can teach us forever. I have an extra bedroom and I know my mom would say yes."
My students came in from recess one day and they were all very upset. I asked what was wrong and one student answered, "Miss Hunter _____ is leaving! He can't be in our class anymore. His mom is going to home school him." Well, I was pretty upset myself because this was one of my best students and I certainly didn't want him leaving! I went up to this student and asked why his mom wanted to home school him. He replied through tears, "Miss Hunter, I'm so mad. My mom just won't listen to me. She never believes me and now I have to be home schooled and I don't want to leave! (He started crying harder) I said, "Okay, calm down. Everything is going to be okay. Tell me what is going on. Why does your mom want you to be home schooled?" His response, "well you see, my mom said that if I came home with muddy clothes, she was going to home school me." At this point I started to smile and tried to hold in laugh. "I don't think you are going to be home schooled. Just explain to your mom that you feel down during football at recess. I think she will understand." "No Miss Hunter you don't get it! She will never believe me! She never does and now I have to leave all my friends." At this point I had some of my other students near tears and everyone was sure that he was never coming back. I told them not to worry about it and that he would talk to him mom tonight and then we would see what happens. My students were still distraught and were very dramatic about the whole situation. They gave him hugs after school and said their farewells. Well the next day sure enough he was still at school and with a smile on his face he explained, "She said she would give me another chance."
"Miss Hunter, look at that sign! I think it wrong. It says home of the bravs? Why does it have a ? and why is it spelled wrong?" My response: "I'm not sure. It probably is just a type-o. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sure it was made by one of those Mexicans."
"____ said the f word." Me: HE WHAT?!?!" Student: "Yeah, he said farted." Me through laughs: "Oh, right. Yes, we should say that."
I could tell stories forever, but these are just a few of my favorite. Teaching is wonderful and I love it. It is hard, stressful, and time consuming, but it is a great profession and I know it is what I'm supposed to be doing. It is so rewarding to hear I child say, "Wow Miss Hunter! I finally get it! It finally makes sense" or "Miss Hunter that was the coolest lesson ever!" It is fun to see students so eager and excited to learn. I love seeing them apply what they learn. They are so smart and they teach me things everyday. I can't wait for my 4th./5th split. I'm sad 3rd grade is over, but I'm ready for a new change. I love getting to know the students and each of their personalities. I'm sure I will have more stories to add to this list.
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