Lately I've been thinking about how crazy life is. Life can be such a mystery. It is full of unknowns, changes, and surprises. I once heard that life is what happens to us when we are making other plans. I am at a point in my life where it seems everything is changing. Sometimes it can be a little frustrating. I've never had any issues with change... I'm one of those rare people who actually need and like change. BUT I do have issues with planning. I am one of those weird OCD schedule types. I like having a schedule. I'm weirdly organized and I'm obsessed with lists. I love planning. I love planning awesome parties with my friends, planning out my day, and planning fun adventures. I am ALL about planning. Recently I haven't been able to do much planning. I don't know what I'll be doing or where I will be living at in the next few weeks, let alone next year. You can imagine how frustrating/annoying this can be for an OCD follow the schedule type. It definitely has tried my patience. I have done a lot of thinking, studying, and praying and I've learned that yes life is crazy and unpredictable, but it's all about having faith. I've learned a lot about faith and trust this semester. It is something I'm learning and trying to do better at. Here are some highlights....
Life is never what we plan it to be, but it ALWAYS works out and usually better than we could ever imagine.
"How fundamentally different my life is than I had sought to plan! My professional life has changed. My personal life has changed. But the commitment I made to the Lord—to put Him first in my life and to be ready for whatever He would have me do—has carried me through these changes of eternal importance." -Dallin H. Oaks
It isn't enough to do the right thing. We have to do the right thing at the right time.
Faith is the only thing that can prepare us for life's unpredictabilities. Faith prepares us to deal with opportunities and persist through disappointments.
Developing the commitment to follow God and his will is what anchors us in this life.
We can't plan everything. Sometimes we have to be willing to accept God's plan
Faith requires action.
If we trust God and listen for his message, we WILL find it.
Patience really is a virtue. Everything happens in its own time. D&C 64: 31-32
Faith = Trust
“Since faith in the timing of the Lord may be tried, let us learn to say not only, ‘Thy will be done,’ but patiently also, ‘Thy timing be done.’”- Neil A. Maxwell
If the timing isn't right, we need to adjust our actions to that of the Lords.
Most importantly, God loves his children and wants them to be happy. He has a plan for them that he designed to bring them happiness.
This is one of my favorite songs. I think it says it all pretty good. Here are the lyrics. Enjoy.
The Most Beautiful Part About This Is....
I try to understand
The things you’re dealing with
My heart goes out to you, my friend
Somehow you’ve struck this out
Some would call it tragedy
But you know it’s a blessing
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
The things you’re dealing with
My heart goes out to you, my friend
Somehow you’ve struck this out
Some would call it tragedy
But you know it’s a blessing
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
Here I know through your faith
Christ can heal all
But till that day we must have faith
The words to me will never change
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
Christ can heal all
But till that day we must have faith
The words to me will never change
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
And by His grace
You’ll see His face
On that day, you shall rejoice
Through His mercy, you’ll hear his voice
Rise and walk, my son
Let your burden be gone
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
You’ll see His face
On that day, you shall rejoice
Through His mercy, you’ll hear his voice
Rise and walk, my son
Let your burden be gone
Just look how you’ve grown, my sweetest friend
May angels lift you till the end
She said look to the sky, not the ocean
When all seems lost and forever bleak
That’s the time you you must fall to your knees
I'm dumb... after I typed the lyrics I realized... why not just post a video? So now you get both :)
:) brookie thanks for this.. i definitely needed to read that today. iinnsssppiirraattiioonn :) love you.