Thursday, October 29, 2009

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite...

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

My apartment it really nice here. I have a large bedroom with a queen sized bed! I have a study/office room, kitchen, bathroom, and a living room. I even have a western toilet. When I first walked into my apartment I was completely caught of guard. I was expecting pretty bad conditions. After all it's China right? Well apparently they like to impress the foreign teachers by giving them the nicer apartments. I have no complaints with this whatsoever. I even took a video of my apartment because I was so excited about it. It seemed like the perfect set up. It was all fine and dandy until I started noticing the bug bites I thought it was just mosquitos but then I kept getting more and more and it seemed that nobody else had a problem. It got to the point where I seriously had over 50 bites! Jon, another teacher here, worked for Pest Control over the summer. He told me it might be bed bugs so he gave my bed a look. Sure enough, he found lots of friends in my bed. I was too scared to sleep in my bed so I opted for my couch. Chinese beds aren't known for being the most comfortable, but my couch is on a whole new level. I slept with the light on because I was terrified of waking up with a spider or crock roach on my face. I had found a few other friends since moving in. I woke up with even more bites! They had spread to my face and neck overnight. My whole apartment was infested with bed bugs! I called the school and they brought over new bedding and cleaned my entire apartment. I sprayed my bed, couches, windows, by the door, and pretty much everything I could. I was a little nervous about sleeping in my bed

I felt bad about it because the school was really embarrassed about the situation. They called me several times a day to make sure I was okay. They wanted me to go to a Chinese doctor for my bites. Luke, an English teacher, even wanted to make me a soup to shower in. I assured them that I was fine. They did end up taking me to the school doctor and he gave me some lotion to rub on the bites. It was all pretty funny and I got a good laugh about it. Just living the Chinese life. However, the famous phrase "don't let the bed bugs bite" takes on a whole new meaning.

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